Downtown and Riverfront Hub

Since the advent of Stevens Point as a paper and lumber town, the Wisconsin River nearest the Downtown served an industrial purpose. While that industry has moved to other parts of town and other parts of the river and while much of the riverfront has been reclaimed as community green space, there are still legacies of that industrial age in the behavior of residents and the Downtown’s interaction with the river. The infrastructure of former Highway 10 creates additional challenges that disconnect the Downtown not just from the riverfront but also from the neighborhoods to the north and south.


Extend downtown across the riverfront through the redevelopment of the Chase Bank location and parking lots on the river-side of Water Street. Look closely at north-south streets as a development opportunity that will extend Main Street from a “hallway” approach to a Hub with more depth. Respect the public green space of the riverfront parks, but look for unused space or existing buildings as an opportunity for development: the yard waste facility near Bukolt, the Bukolt beach house, the park’s storage facility in Pfiffner, the dead space between that storage facility and the Pfiffner Building. Look as well to the Mead side of the park for dead-space development and possibly additional marina/boat slips.

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