Evaluation of prior plans and information gathered through steering committee meetings and stakeholder interviews revealed four Hubs that are ready for investment through this approach.
Those Hubs include: Downtown & the Riverfront, North Division, Stanley Street & Schmeeckle Reserve, and Central & South Point.
Other Hubs may reveal themselves through this process or after plans for these Hubs are put into action, and it is possible these Hubs could split into sub-districts through conversation.
Initial descriptions of these Hubs and their opportunities are included below. Current zoning, references to past plans, and other information relevant to these Hubs can be found in their corresponding appendices.
For reference to communities that have completed similar plans, check out Eau Claire’s Neighborhood and Area Plans or the Whitehaven Small Area Plan.
Downtown & Riverfront
Since the advent of Stevens Point as a paper and lumber town, the Wisconsin River nearest the Downtown served an industrial purpose. While that industry has moved to other parts of town and other parts of the river and while much of the riverfront has been reclaimed as community green space, there are still legacies of that industrial age in the behavior of residents and the Downtown’s interaction with the river.
North Division
North Division is the peak of car-era 70s and 80s development–an old strip of concrete that is a common location for fast food and hotels. Many of these facilities have become outdated in recent years as new investment has shifted to Highway 10 or Crossroads Commons.
Stanley Street & Schmeeckle
Stanley Street’s history is residential, but it has been transitioning to a commercial area since the connection of Highway 66 to Interstate 39. It is in the throes of that transition still, with car dealerships, medical and dental, business headquarters, cafes, churches, law offices, apartments, and single-family homes.
Central & South Point
While a little hodgepodge currently, the south and central parts of Stevens Point have a great history, infrastructure, and amenities to support this Hub concept.